[Ubuntu Chicago] It Guy wanted

Wally Valters wally at valters.net
Sat Oct 5 12:41:07 UTC 2013

Glad to hear from someone with interest. You can see a little more about
our firm on our site, matasano.com.  It lists a hiring practice (
http://www.matasano.com/careers/), which is applicable to security
consultants, not IT staff.  There won't be any security challenges for your
 position.  The process is the same though, we start with phone screens
then progress from there.

If you can send me a resume I'll get it put into our system to get the
process started. You can send it to this address or my work one :
wally at matasano.com


Wally Valters


This sounds very interesting to me.  I have some Linux admin exp but to
brag about.  I have a used OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard on an old Macbook pro I
have laying around but haven't done anything in the OSX world newer than
that.   What kind of experience as a linux/unix admin would the company be
specifically looking for?   Is experience with ASA required?

Learning about application and network security sounds rather interesting.


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Wally Valters <wally at valters.net> wrote:

> Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted, but I have been seriously
> busy.  Anyway, the company I work for is looking for an IT person to
> replace our current one.
> Staring position, not needing any network rockstars, we need some one with
> linux / unix admin skills.  We are a OSX shop, so some familiarity with OSX
> as a user would not help.
> Basic role is setting up new consultant laptops, keeping the ASA behaving,
> doing some troubleshooting when the interoffice links go down etc. As a
> side benefit you will learn anout application and network security, and
> could graduate into security consulting (as our current IT guy is)
> If you are interested, or know someone who may be, let me know.  Office is
> downtown Chi, about 3/4 mile from the Metra Stations.
> Wally
> wally at valters.net
> --
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