[Ubuntu Chicago] It Guy wanted

Wally Valters wally at valters.net
Fri Oct 4 18:40:42 UTC 2013

Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted, but I have been seriously
busy.  Anyway, the company I work for is looking for an IT person to
replace our current one.

Staring position, not needing any network rockstars, we need some one with
linux / unix admin skills.  We are a OSX shop, so some familiarity with OSX
as a user would not help.

Basic role is setting up new consultant laptops, keeping the ASA behaving,
doing some troubleshooting when the interoffice links go down etc. As a
side benefit you will learn anout application and network security, and
could graduate into security consulting (as our current IT guy is)

If you are interested, or know someone who may be, let me know.  Office is
downtown Chi, about 3/4 mile from the Metra Stations.

wally at valters.net
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