[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago X.Org Developers' Summit

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 02:45:30 UTC 2011

Hey Michael,

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Michael Larabel <Michael at phoronix.com>wrote:

> I'm organizing the 2011 X.Org Developers' Conference/Summit and looking to
> host it in Chicago this September. The X.Org Foundation is looking for a
> venue for around ~60 developers that ideally can offer us a large room for a
> period of about three days, at ideally little or no cost.
> I wanted to see from the Ubuntu Chicago list if anyone has any potential
> leads or recommendations for such a venue? I've contacted the CS departments
> at area universities and a few of them look potentially hopeful while I am
> still waiting on others.
> http://www.x.org/wiki/Events/XDC2011
> Thanks for any information.
> Michael Larabel

It's great to hear that you're looking to host the X.org Developer's
conference in Chicago, and thanks for thinking to contact us.

Most of our events have featured (at most) 20-25 people, so our space
requirements have been pretty meager. I think that, for ~60 people,
contacting the universities is a good place to start.

Among the universities in the area, the University of Illinois at Chicago is
close to downtown, and they have been a strong supporter of FLOSS-related
events. This weekend they're playing host to the fifth annual Flourish
conference (flourishconf.com), and have also hosted BarCamp Chicago. If you
aren't sure who to contact there, or if you haven't contacted anyone there
yet, let us know, and we can point you in the right direction.

I'm not sure what kind of space is available at Google's Chicago offices,
but that may be something to consider for this kind of event, too.  You may
also want to send your inquiry to the Chicago Lug (chiglug.org) and Chicago
Python (chipy.org) mailing lists. The Chiglug group has been pretty quiet as
of late, but there are still a good number of chicago-tech-types subscribed
to the mailing list. ChiPy is pretty active. You may get more responses from
business-types via messages to those lists.

Best of luck, and let us know if we can help any further.

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