[Ubuntu Chicago] 3rd party software auditing and updating tools?

Michael Sphar mikesphar at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 16:18:21 UTC 2011

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 10:42 AM, W. Scott Lockwood III
<scott at guppylog.com> wrote:
> I'm wondering what they do where the people on this list work to deal
> with this problem?

The closest I've seen to working solutions for this in the Windows
realm have all been Commercial products such as Altiris, Bigfix, EPO,
whatever BMC renamed Marimba to, etc.  But there's probably some
self-selection there, as I'm guessing the typical Windows
shop--particularly large enterprise ones--is probably less likely to
be looking for open source solutions in the first place.

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