[Ubuntu Chicago] 3rd party software auditing and updating tools?

W. Scott Lockwood III scott at guppylog.com
Tue Feb 1 20:19:49 UTC 2011

Hey guys and gals,

  I'm looking for something similar to WSUS or Update Notifier, or
really even apt, but for non-linux systems. I don't have the problem
with linux systems of course, because we're able to leverage things like
the Debian security repo's for that. No such thing exists however for
non-linux systems that I can find, but I still need to track and update
3rd party software in our environment for those systems. 

  I'm curious what others are using to track these types of things? It's
really the tracking that's the problem, too. We already have systems
that do the inventory portion, and that can push out updated versions of
software - it's the part that knows there's an update in the first place
that we don't have.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

W. Scott Lockwood III

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