[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago Loco wiki cleanup

Steve Woodruff swoody at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 22 17:10:36 GMT 2010

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Draycen DeCator <ddecator at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, so I'm new to the LoCo team and I'm still not entirely sure how I can
> get involved. Still, I just wanted to let you guys know that the wiki page
> is looking a lot better and is more intuitive now.
> Keep up the good work,
> Draycen

Ryan and Draycen,

Thanks for the kind words from both of you. You both hit it dead on, I
really wanted the wiki pages to be more user-friendly, and easier to
navigate. I'm glad you both approve of the changes so far :)


That's really great to hear that you want to get involved! The loco
team is a great way to give back to Ubuntu, and as we are growing
quite a bit lately (new monthly meetings, new website, new members,
etc. etc.) there's really going to be a need for people like yourself
who want to dive into the Chicago Loco a bit more in-depth. What I
would recommend would be to start a new topic on the mailing list,
introduce yourself to everyone, give us a bit more background on your
interests - what you like to do in your spare time, hobbies, what you
like about computers/technology, what you like about Ubuntu and the
community, etc. Then we can get a better feel for what you may enjoy
helping out with in the team. This way you will also get more
attention and guidance than you would in this topic :) There are many
aspects to helping out the Loco, and we will more than welcome your
efforts here! I would also recommend to subscribe to the 'Meetings'
wiki page, so you can keep an eye on events and team meetings in the

Steve Woodruff
swoody at ubuntu.com

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