[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago Loco IRC Meetings

Steve Woodruff swoody at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 12 18:41:25 GMT 2010

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Steve Woodruff <swoody at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Nathan was kind enough to create a Doodle for us to see what day/time works
> out best for everyone for IRC meetings. If you haven't already added your
> info to this poll, please do so [1]. Please also note that you can ignore
> the dates on the Doodle poll - we are only interested in the days of the
> week and times. Thanks everyone!
> --
> Steve Woodruff
> swoody at ubuntu.com
> [1] http://doodle.com/8bbzcfivm4vn2ukh

Well, from all of the feedback we've received so far, it seems that
the best time for our meetings would be 9pm (Local time, obviously)
Mondays or Tuesdays. Would this work out well for everybody else? Is
there anyone who didn't fill in the poll who would like to make
comments about this time? If not, it looks like we can go forward and
start planning our meetings :)

Steve Woodruff
swoody at ubuntu.com

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