[Ubuntu Chicago] Best Email Client?

Brian Green greenbrian at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 06:05:42 GMT 2010

It is possible and has been done. I don't know of any definitive guides
offhand. I think some of the torrent sites had some virtual machine OS X
images floating around too.  Last time I tried this I got a VM running, but
didn't have network.  Some quick googling says there's a bunch of people
doing this out there.

Anyways, FWIW I'm a fan of Apple Mail.  I've tried to use Evolution with
Exchange plugins too many times, with each trial ending with me furious for
wasting time on such a horrible program. The Exchange integration is just
too important for my job unfortunately. I wish that wasn't the case.

One thing I will say that Thunderbird has going for it (or at least I
believe I've seen in reviews/screenshots) is tabs in the program interface.
I would really like to see that in Outlook and Apple Mail.

Brian Green

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Richard JOHNSON <nixternal at ubuntu.com>wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 09, 2010 at 09:54:57PM -0600, manchicken wrote:
> > Is it trolling to say that Apple Mail is the best client? Probably ;)
> Do you know if it is possible to run that in a VM? I know a lot of people
> love Apple Mail. I have never used it, but always wanted to check it out.
> --
>  Name|  Richard JOHNSON
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