[Ubuntu Chicago] C Programming Books?

Wally Valters wally at valters.net
Wed Jan 6 00:37:44 GMT 2010

Bruce Eckel is an excellent source.

the CPP books cover C in the beginning and you can get them on the net. If
you buy the print version though, you get an additional CDROM with a C
tutorial if you are just starting out.

As a side note Thinking in Java is about the best Java book out there as

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Montel Edwards <montel at member.fsf.org>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've been looking around everywhere for some C related programming
> books. I just bought K&R C for C off Amazon used, but I was wondering
> if any of you had any recommendations.
> Thanks,
> Montel Edwards (mdeonte)
> --
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