[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu Chicago Re-Approved

Micah Gersten micahg at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 18 06:00:31 BST 2010

On 08/17/2010 10:24 PM, Richard JOHNSON wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 09:24:14PM -0500, Nathan Handler wrote:
>> For anyone who has not heard the good news, Ubuntu Chicago was due for
>> re-approval. After preparing an application [1], we went before the
>> LoCo Council today. With very few questions asked, we were quickly
>> approved. Thanks everyone for making this LoCo such a great team, and
>> I hope to see you all at the upcoming Global Jam [2].
> I think a huge congratulations is in order for every single one of you who
> have not only participated in our events, visited us at an event, or talked
> to us on IRC or the Mailing List, but to everyone who has signed up to the
> list or the Launchpad page.
> I know we have been a little slow over the recent months and I am fairly
> certain that is due to our awesome summer and busy lives, but this group
> has done a lot since a few of us first met up in 2005. We did this not even
> thinking about a LoCo group at all, then one day on the Forums, some new
> whackjob firefighter decided to create a LoCo team, and that's what we
> officially did during the summer of 2006. Almost 4 years ago to the day we
> became the 2nd official LoCo team in the United States, and that was only
> due to the fact I had to go to the bathroom and let Joey Stanford of the
> Colorado team go first.
> I want to thank everyone who has helped over the years and luckily we
> currently have an amazing crop of new and young talented people who have
> recently become Official Ubuntu Members and are actively contributing to
> the project. Mike Greenwood came up with the idea, I was dumb enough to run
> with it, and you all made it possible! I have a few right hand men who have
> helped me over the years: Jim Campbell, the Martinez twins, Micah, Steve
> Woodruff, Kevin Harriss, Nathan Handler, and many more.
> Thanks again everyone and congratulations on being recognized by the
> greater Ubuntu community for a job well done!
> I have a feeling I left people out, sorry if I did, I owe you a drink of
> your choice when we meet again!

A big thanks to Richard and Nathan and anyone else who helped with the
Reapproval process!  I hope we come back in 2 years an even better LoCo :)


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