[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago GNU/Linux User Group Meeting on March 7th, 2009
Kevin Harriss
special.kevin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 22:04:23 GMT 2009
The Chicago GNU/Linux User Group will be having our meeting on
Saturday, March 7th, 2008 at 3:00 pm. We will be meeting at the
Institute of Design (http://tinyurl.com/6m6d6d) on the 2nd Floor in
room 201. The venue is located close to public transportation and
there is a parking garage across the street for those of you who drive
to the meeting. The garage charges $8 for the whole day on the
weekend. For more information check out our website at
http://www.chicagolug.org or join our mailing list at
https://www.chicagolug.org/lists. Please feel free to forward this
announcement to any other groups you think might be interested in
== Presentations ==
- A demonstration of Zimbra enterprise email and groupware, followed
by Q & A (Gray Rothkopf)
Join us for a demo of Zimbra, the open-source based server software,
and its innovative, web browser-based desktop client that keeps you
online, even when you're offline. Zimbra is a well-supported email,
calendaring, contact and file sharing server software that runs on
Linux, allows native sync with Outlook, Mac's built-in applications,
Thunderbird Blackberry devices and iPhones. With a free, open source
version available for small groups, Zimbra scales to serve
organizations of millions, for example, Comcast. Overview delivered by
Gray Rothkopf, founder of Chicago-based 01.com, Zimbra professional
services provider and SaaS provider, the largest host of premium
Zimbra mailboxes in the world.
- Clojure: A Concurrent Lisp for the JVM (Yacin Nadji)
This will be an introduction to Clojure a concurrent lisp based
langauge that runs on the Java Virtual Machine.
- OpenLDAP (Daniel Bahena)
What: Chicago GNU/Linux User Group Meeting
When: Saturday, March 7th, 2009 @ 3pm
Agenda: http://www.chicagolug.org/wiki/Agenda20090307
Where: Institute of Design
350 N LaSalle Blvd
2nd Floor Room 201
Chicago, IL 60610
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