[Ubuntu Chicago] Global Bug Jam - Major Problems

Michael Wilson mwilsonemt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 11:44:41 GMT 2009

As this is my first message to the group, let me introduce myself quickly:

My name is Mike.  I have been using Ubuntu for close to two years now.  I'm
kept busy between two jobs, school (attending DeVry for Digital Forensics),
and my family (wife and 3 y/o daughter), so I haven't been able to make it
to any events.

I would like to get more involved, so I am plaining on attending the Bug
Jam.  My biggest problem is I'm not sure if I can make the meeting before to
get up to speed on everything.

Michael Wilson

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Eddie Martinez <eddiemartinez at gmail.com>wrote:

> what is fedora? is that a hat?
>> I am hoping that with Jim's plans for the next few months, we can bring
>> back that interest that we had 2 years ago. The interest where we had
>> like 15 people working a booth at the first Flourish, and the same
>> interest that chewed up and spit out Fedora in a Battle of the Distros
>> :)
> --
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