[Ubuntu Chicago] jaunty upgrade broke my laptop :(

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 17:05:03 BST 2009

32 bit. I dont remember if I did an upgrade or a dist-upgrade (pretty
sure i did dist-upgrade)

Randy is there a way I can borrow your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to
compare it to mine?

-eddie martinez

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Randy Wilson <randy at 1702.org> wrote:
> Eddie,
> Are you on 64bit? I'm already on Jaunty and got a kernel upgrade
> yesterday. On reboot I get your error. I think the kernel's borked.
> Luckily, I have 32 bit Jaunty installed alongside and can boot to it.
> Anwyay, I'm downloading the Jaunty beta and will try a rescue or re-install.
> On fstab, your system can't see it at the time you get the error. If
> there is a UUID problem, it's in /boot/grub/menu.lst
> However, mine looks fine.
> -Randy
> Eddie Martinez wrote:
>> Attaching my fstab file [1] and menu.lst [2] files.
>> One immediate problem I see is a typo on line 6 of fstab, but i dont
>> know if that is the exact problem. In particular I wanted to go out of
>> my way and make sure this wasnt a Jaunty build error, and was my own
>> configuration's fault. Thoughts?
>> -eddie martinez
>> [1] http://pastebin.com/m66197d71
>> [2] http://pastebin.com/m4ede557
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:55 PM, Eddie Martinez <eddiemartinez at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Because that would require a Jaunty Live CD. That is also
>>> pre-supposing that it is a kernel issue and not the UUID devices issue
>>> that wally suggested above.
>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Freddy Martinez
>>> <freddymartinez9 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Remind me if this is correct, but can't you use the liveCD and install
>>>> the kernel version that is on the live CD (which would be different
>>>> that the one in the repos)?
>>>> --
>>>> Best,
>>>> Freddy Martinez
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