[Ubuntu Chicago] Introduce Yourself

James Murray jmurrayil at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 24 11:21:08 BST 2008

Hi All,

I'm Jim Murray, a consumer electronics R&D, D&D, EE with over 30 US patents.  I started with Ubuntu about six months ago after getting an Asus Eee PC and wanted a better OS than the Xandros Toys-R-Us OS that came on the Eee.  I now have Ubuntu on five of my seven PCs.  I actively promote Ubuntu and Linux, with a goal of converting at least one Windows user to Ubuntu/Linux every month (working on the 100+ engineers at my main job, friends, family, etc.).

I consider Ubuntu about 85% ready for the typical home PC user; it still having a few rough edges.

I would like to get more involved with the Ubuntu/Linux community, but currently lack the time.

Jim Murray

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