[Ubuntu Chicago] Introduce Yourself

Freddy Martinez freddymartinez9 at ubuntu.com
Thu Oct 23 19:48:18 BST 2008

Hey everyone

I'm Freddy Martinez.  I'm an old school Ubuntu user (whichever release
came before Dapper..).  I'm an Ubuntu Member that helped get the
Ubuntu Mozilla Team off the ground.  I worked quite a bit on bugs back
in the day but haven't done much at all in the last two years.  I'm
live in southern Illinois in Monmouth.  I'm attending Monmouth College
and finishing my degree in Physics.  Ideally I'd go on to get my PhD
in physics.  Right now I'm working with the CS majors on getting an
open source lab going.  8 computers using various linux distros
(mostly Ubuntu) and running an Ubuntu server.

Freddy Martinez

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