[Ubuntu Chicago] (no subject)
Kevin Harriss
special.kevin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 17:19:00 BST 2008
Hi John,
In respect to joining the group, there really isn't a membership
process. You can just sign up for the mailing list, add your name to
the member wiki page, attend meetings or hang out in the irc channel
to be a member. This group isn't like ACM or IEEE were there is a
more rigid idea of membership. The group membership is fluid and
dynamic like most Linux User Groups.
I would have to disagree that there are no large Linux groups in
Chicagoland area. I am the leader of the Chicago Linux User group, we
meet downtown twice a month. We have around 20+ members at each
meeting and even have had outside guests come and talk to our group.
Our mailing list are active and we have over 100 members on our
mailing list. We have a very active IRC channel (#chiglug on
irc.oftc.net) with around 20 members in there at most times of the
day. We have a lot of Chicago Ubuntu people that attend our meetings
and have worked closely with them in the past when they held meetings
in the city. Right now it appears there is little activity currently
going on with Ubuntu Chicago, but I know in the past they used to be a
very active and respected loco in the Ubuntu community. I would
really like to see this group get back to those 'glory' days. If I
had more time I would help out and get this group to be more active.
If people would like to hold meetings or something downtown let me
know and I could probably get you a venue for free.
Kevin Harriss
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:44 AM, John Becker <jleebecker at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello to Isaiah Irizarry and Sebastian Brukalo!
> I'm sorry your posts have not been acknowledged.
> It must be obvious that the Chi-Ubuntu group is quite inactive. Several
> attempts have been made to create a large self-sustaining Linux group
> in the Chicagoland area with mixed results. IMHO the most successful
> of these is the College of DuPage Linux Users Group (CODLUG) consisting
> largely of students of COD who meet monthly. A large fraction of their
> group use Kubuntu.
> I lurk here and on the CODLUG list and have attended a few LUG
> meetings in the area. But on the whole, it seems there are too few
> people using the same distro/window manager with the same interests
> (excluding gaming) that want to socialize.
> I have several older boxes using Linux. My Ubuntu box is connected
> to my 26" HDTV @ 1366x768. It began as Breezey Badger and every
> 6 months I upgrade. I enjoy the challange of updating/upgrading rather
> than doing a reinstall.
> Good Luck
> Lee
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- specialKevin
- Kevin Harriss
- http://www.specialkevin.com
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