[Ubuntu Chicago] Still looking to hire help

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 16:53:58 GMT 2008

Hi Dave,

I could have a look at this on Sunday if you'd like.  Do you live in
Chicago?  If so, I could just drive over to your place.  That would be
better than unhooking everything and then try to hook everything back up at
someone else's house.

If you're out of Chicago, then we can discuss other options.  Thanks,


P.S.  Sorry for the late reply.

On 3/20/08, Dave Schuler <thalian at compuserve.com> wrote:
> Last night I posted the following to the list:
> ===============================================================
> I need some help connecting a printer to a Ubuntu
> system.
> Here's what I want to do:
> 1.  I need to connect a Dymo/Costar EL60 serial printer
> to a Ubuntu system.
> 2.  I'd like to execute the equivalent of a "Hello, world!"
> to test the printer.
> That's it.  Based on searching the web I get the impression
> that what I'm trying to do should be doable, even easy.  I just haven't
> been successful in doing it.
> Help!
> The right guy should be able to do this in an hour or so.
> I can bring a computer with Ubuntu installed, a printer,
> and a cable anywhere in the Chicago area.
> Soonest.
> =================================================================
> No responses yet and I still need help.  If you're not in a position
> to give me a hand yourself, do you have a suggestion of who I could
> ask or where I could post a request?
> Dave Schuler
> Chicago, Illinois
> --
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