[Ubuntu Chicago] quiet around here

RJ Marsan rjmarsan at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 07:56:31 GMT 2008

Yay! now its my turn.
IMO a wiki page is unnecessary, as a mailing list kinda is a more direct
form of communicatoin (a wiki page wont linger in my inbox till i deal with
other than that
i'd be more leaning towards a FREE course. it just....... is more ubuntu.
plus its easier to find a place willing to help us out if we were a free

other than that: my skillz:
lots of general ubuntu skills (and people skills, i'd be a good teacher)
some system admin
graphic arts (to some extent)

but ive got a crapload of things to work on lately, so i can't do anything
too timeintensive

anyways thats my 2 cents

On Jan 27, 2008 1:35 AM, Kevin Harriss <special.kevin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Would a wiki page be a better fit for this list than everybody list
> the info in this thread?
> Any way here is my info:
> Strengths:
> - Sys Admin
> - Marketing
> Weaknesses:
> - Not much free time
> - Graphic Design
> I probably have a lot less time to offer to projects, since I invest a
> lot of my free time in other linux organizations.  However, I am
> always willing to offer up suggestions, tips or tricks to help any
> projects.
> --
> - specialKevin
> - Kevin Harriss
> - http://www.specialkevin.com
> --
> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
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