[Ubuntu Chicago] meeting notes

Patrick Green patlgreen at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 04:33:59 GMT 2008

It would appear that you had a great meeting.

purpose: advocate and support for the ubuntu distro of linux in the

The core values, b.h.a.g. big hairy audacious goal, and broad goals are a
great step of team focus.  Now, in regard to this.....

"Project coordinator. Patrick, your name came up for this kind of thing.
You've got enthusiasm for these projects, man. You had about 7 people out
for the CLC project. Of course, we can discuss all of this further, but
would you be interested in this?"

I am honored and I would love to take this post.



On Jan 21, 2008 5:35 PM, <aarontaddei at gmail.com> wrote:

> Jim,
>  Thanks for alowing my dad to present.  He had a great time.  I'm have
> been trying to covert him to ubuntu for some time now and I think he may be
> joining the team.  I think we came away with a lot as a team with reguards
> to our goal and plans. Maybe we could post the Stratigic plan on the wiki or
> website.   As far as unfilled rolls in the ubuntu-chicago team, there was
> one that I was interested in.  The communication/marketing/PR/media
> outreach, call it what you want, postion  I don't have much experinace in
> such things but I think it is a good opertunity to learn and a nich I can
> fill. I think kevin brought up a good point, we need a rockstar.  Any
> lurkers from the mailing list pipe up if you think qualify.  I think we also
> need a secritary/recorder.
> VR/
>  Aaron
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Jim Campbell" <jwcampbell at gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 22:35:29
> To:ChicagoTeam <ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: [Ubuntu Chicago] meeting notes
> Hi All,
> Here are some of my notes from Saturday's meeting. It was good times.
> Thanks to Aaron and his dad for coming there to talk with us about our team
> organization and goals.
> We covered some good responsibility-type information at the start of it. I
> didn't have notes on that, but here's what I can recall. Feel free to leave
> your own input as appropriate...
> Primary loco point of contact: Eddie Martinez. Eddie's been doing a good
> job of coordinating overall loco activities - making sure that we have
> meetings set up, doing some coordinating with other loco teams, letting us
> know about upcoming conferences. He shouldn't have to carry all the load,
> but if he's been doing good with this, why not let him continue?
> Project coordinator. Patrick, your name came up for this kind of thing.
> You've got enthusiasm for these projects, man. You had about 7 people out
> for the CLC project. Of course, we can discuss all of this further, but
> would you be interested in this?
> Learning coordinator: I'd be interested in this. I like the learning
> aspect of our loco team. Just making sure that we have a presentation topic
> ready for each of our different meetings, and that someone is ready to
> present on it. That's good times for me.
> Other:?? Rob, Aaron? Are either of you interested in stuff? Please pardon
> me... I don't recall what other things we covered.
> Here are some notes that I did type up, though:
> purpose: advocate and support for the ubuntu distro of linux in the
> chicagoland
> area.
> core values
> - freedom, of choice in the selection of your software
> - learning, dedicated to the learning of technology
> - community, working together to make things better. working on a
> local, national, & international scale to support linux.
> b.h.a.g. big hairy audacious goal
> - what is it that we'd really like to do. how awesome could we be.
> what do we want to set our sights on?
> four broad goals
> - advocacy - evangelizing. media, outreach, local orgs, to
> further knowledge.
> - support - supporting current and future users w/ installing, updating,
> and using our software.
> - outreach - finding orgs that want to use it, and assisting them in
> migration.
> - education - fostering team member learning. foster educational
> programs that develop member and user skills.
> write tactics to support each of the four goals.
> possible tools to assist us:
> - freeconference call.com <http://call.com>
> - skype
> - gotomeetings
> pax, all. let's talk about this stuff.
> Jim
>  --
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