[Ubuntu Chicago] disable stick keys in windows (and -50 street cred points)

George Lesica glesica at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 15:07:34 GMT 2008

install linux

On Jan 18, 2008 6:29 AM, Wally Valters <deepsky99 at gmail.com> wrote:
> It could be toggle or filter keys as well.  Control Panel -> Accessability
> -> Keyboard...  look in there, and make sure togglekeys and sticky keys are
> turned off.
> On Jan 17, 2008 10:05 PM, Eddie Martinez < eddiemartinez at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hey all, I know this a stupid question, but I *cannot* seem to get the
> Windows XP sticky keys to play nice for my cousin, and I need some expert
> advice. Here's the rundown:
> >
> > I go over and notice that every time I type, the letter doesn't work. I'm
> in firefox, and I hit 'd' and the bookmarks menu pops up. Look down and
> notice I'm not holding ctrl so I figured sticky keys is enable. I disabled
> sticky keys, type away etc. I move onto another ipod related issue when my
> cousin leans over and holds the shift button by accident. Sticky keys go.
> >
> > I go to the sticky key settings, and mess around with the options, trying
> to disable it forever. I believe there is a sticky keys option, toggle keys,
> and one more that I can't remember. Point is, that through some of skill,
> trickery, and alcohol (jk on the last one), I managed to lock myself out of
> windows. every attempt to type results in soem sticky induced
> ctrl+letter+shift+windows=no text input madness.
> >
> > Here's the issue I'm having however. This *should* be handled on the user
> level correct? Not on the whole system? How is it possible then, that all
> the other user accounts are giving me the same issue, given that I checked
> and i'm not holding ctrl down?
> >
> > anyways, im very frustrated and can't figure out why windows hates me.
> thanks!
> >
> > -eddie m.
> >
> >
> > ps. please dont joke about installing linux or that it's defective by
> design, my family would be using linux if I could convince them, and
> reinstalling windows is not something I want to do over a CTRL issue. thanks
> again.
> > --
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~ George T. Lesica
glesica at gmail.com

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