[Ubuntu Chicago] Meeting Saturday

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 17:35:55 GMT 2008

Hey all, we are having a meeting this Saturday, Janurary 19th at 1pm-3pm. It
is at the Institute of Design, 350 N. LaSalle on the 2nd floor, room 202. I
stress the second floor, as we normally meet on the 6th floor. Don't go to
the 6th floor!

The most important part about this meeting will be talking about, not on the
agenda because of my lazy wiki editing, is the team leadership which has to
be decided, as Richard (nixternal) stepped down as head. In addition to
this, Jim would like to give a talk about revision control if time permits.
Our agenda is as follows:



   CLC project wrap-up and future plans?

   OhioUbuCon08 <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioUbuCon08>. Can we help in
   some capacity?

   Website control. Currently we are supported/hosted by Canonical and
   have through go through them for website support. The planet has been done
   for months. Thoughts?

   The Future

      Ubuntu-Illinois needs help to get up off the ground. Mike is
      having a child and can't be expected to do all the work himself.
Let's help
      him do this and get the
CodeSprint<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeSprint>in action. Ubuntu Forums
is a very popular way of discussing and talking
      about Ubuntu. Let's also aim for a stronger presence on the
      forums/integrating those users into our network.

   World Domination (Eddie Martinez)

   Marketing Plan (Taddai Family)

   Tri LoCo <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCo> meeting with -Ohio and
   -Michigan teams (eddie m.)

Encryption Key (GPG PID): 19983D83
This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
<Please exit in an orderly fashion>
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