[Ubuntu Chicago] laptop search?

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 22:29:29 GMT 2008

Hey all, i'm in the market for a new(er) laptop than the one I have now, an
Invibile Model Fake 3500. Basically, I'm searching to get a laptop in the
500 hunded dollar range or so. I mostly need it for web stuff, with some
software development purposes. My most critical demands for a computer is
that it be Gnu/Linux friendly, something about 1.6 clock speed, and a gig or
so of RAM. Aside from that, I am open to any brand name. etc.

I've considered System76, Thinkpad, Dell, etc. I am not impressed at the
moment simply because I don't want a brand new, super expensive computer.
Something that justworks (tm) is my aim. I am also open to used/refurbished
latops.If anyone wants to suggest or point me to a good lappy, i would
appreciate it.


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