[Ubuntu Chicago] CLC Update 1/10/2008
Eddie Martinez
eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 19:30:12 GMT 2008
One more thing I would like to talk about. Bill laves for school on Sunday,
which means that someone needs to go pickup the server from his house in the
near future. He lives in Barrington, IL. and im sure he's tired of waiting
around for us to come by. Contact me offlist for his details or if you can
help out with this.
-eddie m.
On Jan 11, 2008 12:56 PM, Eddie Martinez <eddiemartinez at gmail.com> wrote:
> "If people have a problem with me being involved, I would understand."
> Sorry Robert, but this is the dumbest thing I have heard you say to date.
> We are all working to promote and sell a product. Wheter it is FL/OSS,
> Ubuntu, hardware, etc. is besides the point. Robert has his own business, I
> have my own job, Patrick has his own consulting company (iirc), Richard is a
> student/hacker full time, some people I know are retired and spend their
> days hacking all day. Our day jobs are not the area of focus here.
> As for CLC. This one is particularly disheartening because of how much
> work I put into this project (and I'm sure Patrick feels the same way). And
> to be fair, we did EVERYTHING possible to mitigate any sour taste from the
> server migration. So we have a setback, and this project is more or less
> dead in the water. Our plan to liberate the entire CLC school isn't going to
> work exactly as planned. But this isn't over.
> The Minnesota team is working on a similar project, where they are setting
> up a tech. system for a homeless shelter. Here is my own version of what we
> should work on next, and I think Free Geek might be able to help us out. If
> we are able to get out hands on a fair sized number of computers, then I
> suggest the following project. We take these computers, and bring them up to
> CLC, and anyone else who will have us, and give a crash course on GNU/Linux
> and hardware. building a computer, installing an OS, basically the same
> thing that FreeGeek does.
> Then we take these computers setup, and donate them to a worthy cause, non
> profit or otherwise. If anyone has any good sources of computers, etc.
> please let me and the list know.
> -eddie m.
> On Jan 11, 2008 12:39 PM, Robert Stolorz <robert at feratechinc.com> wrote:
> > Well to be honest this is heart breaking but I come across this every
> > day. Even when I tell my clients that linux servers are more compatible
> > they simply prefer to stick with Windows because this is the standard.
> >
> > I was actually planning on starting something similar. I deal with
> > donated hardware all the time and in most cases many schools don't even
> > have the funds to have it set up because it is so expensive to get all
> > the software they need. I was thinking about offering a free service to
> > set everything up for them for free with linux. It would be a great way
> > to spread linux around possibly get new client for me.
> >
> > If there would be people interested I do know a publicist and could try
> > to get something in the paper about it.
> >
> > I do run my own company so obviously I would be looking to possibly
> > getting some business out of this as well. So if people had problems
> > with me being involved I would understand.
> >
> > Patrick Green wrote:
> > > Hi folks.
> > >
> > > My apologies on the long silence.
> > >
> > > First of all, I need to take the time to thank everyone who was
> > > involved in the project. You worked hard and you worked as a team and
> >
> > > you reflected the spirit of community well.
> > >
> > > Now for the bad news. Unfortunately, the server project has been
> > > scrapped and MS Windows has been re installed in the server.
> > >
> > > This was due to internal decisions made by the school over reasons
> > > that I really do not wish to disclose in an online forum as I am in
> > > their employ. ;)
> > >
> > > There were some other problems unconnected with our efforts that came
> > > into play here. Though those other issues were unrelated and there is
> >
> > > no line that can be drawn from cause to effect...I was unable to
> > > convince them of that. Understand, we are dealing with a leadership
> > > group that is non technical. Please no I have been working in the
> > > background to keep the opportunity alive considering how much ground
> > > work went into this.
> > >
> > > That said, I have some thoughts.
> > >
> > > We still have a server sitting in a users home and I have some old
> > > boxes. Here is my proposition on a project. We, as a team, grab all
> > > the old hardware we have collecting dust and keep them out of the
> > > landfills.
> > >
> > > We get the server running, we get the old pc's running...Xubuntu if we
> >
> > > have to in some cases...and we create a ready to go office. We then
> > > find worthwhile charities or other not for profits that we all feel we
> > > can support that are part of the Chicago area. We contact them one at
> >
> > > a time and let them know we have a donation for them on the condition
> > > that we set it up. We go in, we do it...we issue press releases.
> > >
> > > Ubuntu has a meaning. Humanity to others. Free Software has a
> > > philosophy and part of that includes sharing. We use our know how and
> > > the tools offered to use and we empower people who need it. It will
> > > give us practical world experience, embrace the ideals of free
> > > software and Ubuntu, and help a good cause..whatever that cause may
> > be.
> > >
> > > I also say we use the work we did and document it anyway. Not as a
> > > white paper. But as a learning tool of where we rocked and where we
> > > could have done better.
> > >
> > > The end result here is not reflective of the performance of this team
> > > and I am proud to have been a part of this project and look forward to
> > > many other projects.
> > >
> > > Now, we still have a student body with a growing interest in free
> > > software. I am (literally) the most popular teacher with more
> > > students enrolling in my class than any other. They were VERY
> > > appreciative of the Ubuntu people who came to help out in the dorms
> > > one night.
> > >
> > > We may not have the school, but we have the student body and these
> > > people represent the future. They will take their new OS and software
> >
> > > into their careers. We win a battle, we lose a battle...the war is
> > > still on.
> > >
> > > With respect to all and appreciation to all.
> > >
> > > Patrick
> >
> > --
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
> >
> --
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