[Ubuntu Chicago] CLC Update 1/10/2008
Chad Sutton
csutton at chadarius.com
Thu Jan 10 21:11:32 GMT 2008
I'm definitely game here. I will certainly keep my eyes open for
opportunities. I have been working with my church on open source
software and we use a number of products already.
In fact I have started an open source CD specifically for church
offices. My website is being upgraded at the moment, but when I get it
back online today or tomorrow, check out my little open source app
project I've been working on at http://chadarius.com. I haven't had
much time to network with other churches in my area as of yet. There
are education and non-for-profit opportunities all over that could use
our expertise and help to save them lots of money and support the
ethics of free software. I just haven't actively looked for any in
specific other than my own church.
On Jan 10, 2008 2:27 PM, Patrick Green <patlgreen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks.
> My apologies on the long silence.
> First of all, I need to take the time to thank everyone who was involved in
> the project. You worked hard and you worked as a team and you reflected the
> spirit of community well.
> Now for the bad news. Unfortunately, the server project has been scrapped
> and MS Windows has been re installed in the server.
> This was due to internal decisions made by the school over reasons that I
> really do not wish to disclose in an online forum as I am in their employ.
> ;)
> There were some other problems unconnected with our efforts that came into
> play here. Though those other issues were unrelated and there is no line
> that can be drawn from cause to effect...I was unable to convince them of
> that. Understand, we are dealing with a leadership group that is non
> technical. Please no I have been working in the background to keep the
> opportunity alive considering how much ground work went into this.
> That said, I have some thoughts.
> We still have a server sitting in a users home and I have some old boxes.
> Here is my proposition on a project. We, as a team, grab all the old
> hardware we have collecting dust and keep them out of the landfills.
> We get the server running, we get the old pc's running...Xubuntu if we have
> to in some cases...and we create a ready to go office. We then find
> worthwhile charities or other not for profits that we all feel we can
> support that are part of the Chicago area. We contact them one at a time
> and let them know we have a donation for them on the condition that we set
> it up. We go in, we do it...we issue press releases.
> Ubuntu has a meaning. Humanity to others. Free Software has a philosophy
> and part of that includes sharing. We use our know how and the tools
> offered to use and we empower people who need it. It will give us practical
> world experience, embrace the ideals of free software and Ubuntu, and help a
> good cause..whatever that cause may be.
> I also say we use the work we did and document it anyway. Not as a white
> paper. But as a learning tool of where we rocked and where we could have
> done better.
> The end result here is not reflective of the performance of this team and I
> am proud to have been a part of this project and look forward to many other
> projects.
> Now, we still have a student body with a growing interest in free software.
> I am (literally) the most popular teacher with more students enrolling in my
> class than any other. They were VERY appreciative of the Ubuntu people who
> came to help out in the dorms one night.
> We may not have the school, but we have the student body and these people
> represent the future. They will take their new OS and software into their
> careers. We win a battle, we lose a battle...the war is still on.
> With respect to all and appreciation to all.
> Patrick
> --
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