[Ubuntu Chicago] Central Illinois CodeSprint
Eddie Martinez
eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 10:16:15 GMT 2008
Hey all, I hope you didn't forget about the CodeSprint myself and Mike are
trying to setup for Feb. 9th
Check it out, we have a weburl, website link dealie and everything!
* Free Kitchen - Mike Stemle- The goal here is to create an application that
can store all relevant data (recipes, ingredients, etc.) onto a
searchable/easily usable database. From this, a user can decide the meals
for the next week and get a printout of the grocery list needed before
heading to the supermarket.
* Tilda CodeSprint
* Wii hacking in Ubuntu
* Databases application development.
* Open Source and Government Policy
*Linux Desktop
These are the projects we would like to work on in some capacity. We would
like to get Tristan and Kevin down there, and do some Tilda and Linux
Desktop stuff, if possible. I would also like to talk about ChiCon and the
talk in the air about a Chicago Open Source Foundation/Society/Group
somewhere if anyone is interested.
So far Mike Stemle and Freddy Martinez have signed up for talks:
Sharing the Love: Hacking for KNOME (MikeStemleJr)
Getting involved: Where to start (FreddyMartinez)
We would like more ideas, talks, people to come by in general. Thanks!
Encryption Key (GPG PID): 19983D83
This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
<Please exit in an orderly fashion>
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