[Ubuntu Chicago] 2Wire connection loss

James White jwhite1202 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 05:46:44 GMT 2008

Does anyone know why 2Wire occasionally looses it's connection and then just
hangs?  Once I finally got my wireless connection going (thx Chicago Ubuntu
team), I now run into the occasional problem of the wireless network
becoming lost and there is nothing you can do to get it back.  The password
screen pops up, but when you add the pwd back, it just hangs.  I cannot even
shut the computer down to restart.  I have to remove the battery to get the
thing to finally shutdown.  Yes, I know this is not safe but I would still
be waiting for the laptop to shut down if I depended upon the laptop to shut
itself down :-) when it has this issue.  I looked on the Ubuntu forums and
did not see anything specific.  I'm still learning to use the forums so I
apologize in advanced if I missed something.


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