[Ubuntu Chicago] au-lug

Eric O'Neal fyedernoggersnodden at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 03:29:27 GMT 2008

Hey guys,

I've been pretty silent for a while up here in Michigan, but I think an
update is in order.  The Andrews University Linux User Group now exists, and
our first meeting just got finished.  I had eleven students over to my place
(A big number, considering there are only 40 or so C.S. majors period, and
the weather was *terrible* today).  Four of us were already into Linux/Unix
and had it installed (One guy is content with the BSD layer of Max OS X),
and we completed four out of five installs (The fifth had HD troubles, and
the 11th guy didn't have a laptop, but took a disk home with him).  There
was a lot of excitement, even though the evening was rather unstructured,
but there was pizza, and everybody seemed more than happy to meet again in
two weeks.  "We've got it installed," they said, "now we need to learn how
to use it!"  And, amazingly enough, there are two girls in the group.  2/11
sure seems like a huge ratio if you ask me :-P.

Fun stuff!


My home page:  http://www.SigmaX.org

"ttocs laeno cire oshkosh b'gosh fyedernoggersnodden nicht stein bon

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in
             -- Albert Einstein
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