[Ubuntu Chicago] Hardy upgrade problems

Tracy O'Dowd tracy.odowd at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 23:41:42 BST 2008

Hi there,

I'm hoping I can get some help through this list.  Here goes.

I have a Dell that came with Gutsy already installed. I was upgrading to
Hardy through the update manager, and it froze with 7 minutes left in the
installation process--not the computer, just the upgrade.

I restarted the computer, and as soon as I log in, it freezes completely. I
can get in through GNOME and presumably other options, but other than the
terminal, my computer is not functional at this time.

I went into recovery mode, and it leaves me with root at dell-desktop:~#, and I
note that I also get "Profile /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd failed to load"
and "Setting kernel variables
error: "vm.mmap_min_addr" is an unknown key" saying that the latter failed
as well.

I'm still fairly new to Linux.  Some things I've been able to fix through
the forums, but I am over my head on this one.

Any help would be very greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
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