[Ubuntu Chicago] Informal Ubuntu Hackfest, take 2

W. Scott Lockwood III scott at guppylog.com
Sat Aug 2 04:42:18 BST 2008

That works for me actually - I need a break. :-) How about we do it at
our location like once or twice a month? Also, how about we switch to
Tuesdays? I'm really sorry no one from the first week could make it the
second week - we had an excellent turn out, but with little direction,
it became more of a meet and greet. Great pizza and beer though. :-)
Plus I had the network up before anyone even got there. lol

Don't forget folks, next week we have one class on how to make .deb's,
and we will also have an interesting presentation from one of the guys
from either UFO or LUNI (can't remember which right now).

W. Scott Lockwood III <scott at guppylog.com>
LRSE Hosting

On Fri, 2008-08-01 at 14:38 -0500, Jim Campbell wrote:
> Sorry I didn't get to make it out last night.  How did things go?
> I will be out of town next Thursday, so I won't be able to make the
> next one, but look forward to meeting up again soon.  I propose that
> our session on August 14th be in a different location so that people
> who can't make it all the way into the loop can join us.  
> I've suggested a few other locations, and will post them in the near
> future.
> Jim
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 4:25 PM, W. Scott Lockwood III
> <scott at guppylog.com> wrote:
>         I have two confirmed external attendees - anyone else???
>         --
>         W. Scott Lockwood III <scott at guppylog.com>
>         LRSE Hosting
>         On Wed, 2008-07-30 at 21:47 -0500, Jim Campbell wrote:
>         > Hi All,
>         >
>         > I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it (or if I do make it,
>         I will
>         > have to do jobby job work, not gnu/linux work), but wanted
>         to see who
>         > was planning to attend tomorrow's informal hackfest (we need
>         a better
>         > name).
>         >
>         > Unless someone indicates otherwise, we were to have the
>         meeting at the
>         > offices of Cashnet USA, in downtown Chicago.  Meeting time,
>         6:30pm.
>         > Location, 200 W. Jackson.
>         >
>         > Let us know if you plan to be there.  :)
>         >
>         > Jim
>         >

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