[Ubuntu Chicago] SHORT NOTICE: Free Software Day Computer Workshop in Mahomet, IL

Michael D. Stemle, Jr. manchicken at notsosoft.net
Thu Sep 13 18:06:29 BST 2007

Sorry for the short notice folks, but I'm *JUST* got approval from the owner 
of the Villa Cafe in Mahomet, IL to host a Free Software Day computer 
workshop in her cafe!  How exciting!

So what does this mean?  Well it means that we're having a free computer 
workshop, duh!

Anyway, joking aside, here's what *I* will be doing.

From 12:00 until 17:00 (that's 5pm) I will be found in the conference room of 
the Villa Cafe (and surrounding tables) doing two things:
1) Promoting Free Software and Kubuntu.

2) Helping anybody and everybody sort out any possible computer problem that 
they may pose.

As a show of good faith and getting people into the spirit of freedom and 
sharing, I will not be limiting advice to GNU/Linux systems, and I won't be 
pushing it on folks.  If someone comes in with a windows question, I'll do my 
best to answer, and I encourage anybody who comes to participate to do the 
same (that means no trolling please).

I will not be allowing anybody to sell software or hardware at this event, 
except for hardware necessary to do repairs to existing systems.  This is an 
event for freedom, not a sales event.

Here's what *YOU* can do if you want:
1) You could show up at the Villa Cafe on IL Route 150 just East of Mahomet 
and help me answer questions and fix problems. (I REALLY COULD USE SOME OF 

2) You could promote this event on your blog

3) You could tell your friends and family in the Central Illinois area that 
this event is going on, and that as long as I have enough time to answer 
questions I will do my best to answer all of them.

4) You could join the FSF and tell them that manchicken sent you.

5) You could email me your tips and suggestions and answers for your common 
computer problems so that if there's something I haven't seen I might have 
more wisdom to draw from.

6) You could join irc.ubuntu.com/#illibuntu on Saturday the 15th from noon 
until 5pm and answer questions there if you can't make it in person. (Mac 
people especially, I don't know squat about the new Mac interface or iPods)

I hope you all have a fantastic software freedom day, and I hope to see some 
of you out here on Saturday!

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

~ manchicken <><

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