[Ubuntu Chicago] Documentation/Information to date about the server migration

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 18:17:37 GMT 2007

Hey guys, I revised the paper somewhat. Greg iirc, oldmanstan, suggested
that the layout is not concise and verbose enough. I made some smallish
revisions, as they pertain to the layout. Is there anyway we can have a
permanent place for documents?

Robert: I know your website allows the team to host documents. Is there
anyway I can have limited uploading access so I don't have to spam the
actual Chicago Team list with large attatchments.


Are there any Ubuntu resources the Chicago team can use for
hosting/documenting our progress. The suggestion was made that you help
layout the paper(s) in LaTek, therefore making the presentation nicer. I am
trying to worry about presentation, and learning LaTek myself, in the
future, not at the moment. If this will complicate things down the line,
please let me know.

Another note to make, is that I would like to maintain ALL the documents
together, and empahsis the changes (perhaps as a .diff file?) together in
one central location. My rational is that it will allow anyone who sees our
work later in the future to see the progression of our documents, therefore
allowing them to get see how the progress was made.

I have been talking to the few people I know in the ubuntu community and
nobody I have talked to has seen a white paper or case study done about the
work we are doing. I am hoping to also write a 'how-to' for white papers and
case studying, so anyone who wants to use the Ubuntu community as a means of
influncing government policy, promoting change in a school district, etc.
will have at least a rough start from our work.  Therefore, I feel that
documentation to the point of redundancy is imporant. Or maybe it just makes
me feel important. ;p

As always, repond back with criticism, thoughts, feedback. etc,

eddie martinez



On 11/13/07, Robert Stolorz <robert at feratechinc.com> wrote:
>  The document has been posted on my website. Thank you. If you wish me to
> change any credit or information let me know. I work for a lot of school in
> the Chicago Arch Diocese and this is always a good thing to showcase to
> schools to gather interest in linux and Open Source applications.
> http://www.feratechinc.com/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=Ubuntu
> On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 23:29 -0600, Eddie Martinez wrote:
> I think when the work is done, it should be under an open license. For the
> moment, I don't think it matters. As a member of the Chicago team Robert,
> you should have the necessary rights to post the page to the website. This
> does repesent a collective work, since I took all of it from the email
> archives.
> Note: this is a giant work in progress. ;p
>  On 11/12/07, *Patrick Green* <patlgreen at gmail.com> wrote:
> as long as chicago ubuntu gets the cred, I am cool.
>   On Nov 12, 2007 11:19 PM, Eddie Martinez <eddiemartinez at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>    Robert: Credit the team, and myself as documentation leader or some
> similar title and you are welcome by my standards to put it onto the
> website, if no one else objects. A link to the chicago team wiki would also
> be nice.
> -Eddie M.
>    On 11/12/07, *Robert Stolorz* <robert at feratechinc.com> wrote:
>    Very nice and thorough work Eddie. I am very impressed. Would you mind
> if I posted this on my website Wiki? If so would you like any special credit
> or additional links to be placed?
> On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 22:09 -0600, Eddie Martinez wrote:
> Please let me know if there are any additions, errors, etc.
> Also these will be sent in an open format, for a change ;p
> --
> This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
> <Please exit in an orderly fashion>
> (773) 598-8295
> robert at feratechinc.com
> http://www.FeraTechInc.com
> --
> This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
> <Please exit in an orderly fashion>
>    --
> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
> --
> This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
> <Please exit in an orderly fashion>
> (773) 598-8295
> robert at feratechinc.com
> http://www.FeraTechInc.com

This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
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