[Ubuntu Chicago] Team Meetings & Scheduling

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Thu May 10 21:53:47 BST 2007

On Thursday 10 May 2007, Jim Campbell wrote:
| Yeah, I agree.  We need to better organize our meetings, and we're close .
| . .  I was just in touch with Chad yesterday about setting up the Calendar
| plugin for Drupal so that we can have our regularly scheduled meetings
| listed on there.  He said he'd contact you, but because we just chatted
| online last night, he likely hadn't yet done so yet.  It would be good if
| we could set that up.

Chad got in touch with me last night. The modules he suggested are null and 
void currently with the 5.x branch of Drupal. Maybe that could be one of our 
pet projects? It would be PHP5 with a touch of SQL chatting, but definitely a 
fairly easy feat for anyone interested.

| Yeah, we do need you at these at these.   If not only because of your
| liason-ship-ness, because you know a lot about the *buntus and the
| gnulintux.

Wow I feel flattered. I don't need to be at everyone now mind you, as I feel 
there are more than enough of you with definite community leadership rolls. 
We know that Jim will become an Ubuntu member within a matter of time, a very 
short time at that, I am sure he more than qualifies right now, plus if I say 
yes you are golden, I have to many CC connections now ;)

| Everyone needs to move into the city.   =)  Seriously, that would be nice,
| but alternating between the city and burbs is something we all want to do .
| . .

I thought about it for all of 2 seconds :) I hate traffic, although the burbs 
are about as worse now than they could ever be. I would definitely like to 
spend more time in the city come summer time as well. It is very pretty down 
there and would be fun for some hackathons to kick off somewhere.

| What about 8 or 9?  At our last meeting, we talked about having meetings
| roughly every six weeks.  We thought that would work well.

That works for me as well. That gives me enough time to prepare for anything 
that I need to do for the group as well, and would only cause our bond as a 
team to strengthen, so every 6 weeks sounds great to me!

| You down with C.O.D?   Yeah, you know me.

C.O.D, how can I explain it?
I'll take you frame by frame it
To have y'all jumpin' shall we signin' it
The C is for College, O is for people scratchin' myspace
The ol' D, well that is a disgrace!

OK, my rap career just ended, mighty whitey dies!

| Patrick's work location thing sounds good for city meetings.  And if we
| have our next meeting at COD, then Patrick's office should be set up in
| time for the meeting after that.

I hate heights with a passion, but I guess I can live with it. He said 50 
floors up, so I better bring plenty of diapers.

| Even though I'm not a marketing whiz, I'll try to be open to the marketing
| stuff.  I don't feel like I'm in a spot where I could take on any sort of
| lead role with this at this time, though.

Truthfully it is quite hard to be a marketing whiz in free and open source 
software. I have a decent marketing background only because it interests me 
and I went to school for it. Advocating is quite easy actually. In Chicago, 
if you have ever been to Jew Town, it would go something like this,

"Take the CD biatch and install it, fo I whoop yo ass!"

We can all work to better ourselves with it, but if you can speak about Ubuntu 
clearly, then you will have no problem advocating, and advocating would then 
tie into supporting.

| Agreed!  I'm always kind of flattered when people find our mailing list and
| ask for support on it.  I don't think I'll be giving out my phone number,
| but giving out an email address, our IRC channel, and our mailing list info
| with each CD is a great idea  . . .

No need for you to give out your phone number, email addresses work fine, and 
if you build a relation with someone, then possibly you can go with the old 
phone. I know a lot of you work full time, so I don't expect you to "Ubuntu" 
full time. If you can do an hour, you can do an hour, that can still amount 
to a ton of help.

| Click over dere which yer mouse.  =)

Is dat in port tree?

|| 5) Team Goals
||     1) We need to spec out how we should advocate.
| Yes . . .

Glad you agree :)

||     2) We need to come up with some sort of support offering. Or really,
|| how can we offer support better to the community.
| I'd be interested in talking about this and seeing what others had in mind
| . . . I think that Geek Time factors into this because we need for all of
| us to be geeky enough to offer support.

Sounds great to me, I can help you out where and if needed as well.

| Yeah, there's an interest in collaborating on a project, and also doing
| some group learning activities.  Whichever project we choose, I think we
| need to be sure that it allows for participation from all of our members .
| . .  If you can code it, awesome.  If not, you can help out with
| documentation, testing, etc . . .

Let's start designing some ideas on how we can collaborate a project within 
the team. Even if someone can't code, this project should hopefully teach 
them to become a little more efficient with code, learn it. I say whatever 
the project is we should have both a GTK and a Qt port of it if necessary. 
Documentation, research, website, coding will be the things we need. We have 
enough people to cover every aspect of this project as well.

| Individuals had offered to give talks about different areas of interest. 
| We just need to set it up on the wiki and have people sign up to do talks
| at particular meetings.

Yes, this is how we did it for the 2nd meeting and it worked out great, until 
someone broke out the Enemy Territory.

| It sounds like things would work well to put chi-ubuntu and CoDLUG together
| for some meetings.  The CoDLUG meetings go from 10-4, though, right?  That
| seems like a long time, and to add chi-ubuntu onto it would be too long.

We can do 12-4 if that works for people, 4 hours instead of 6. We typically go 
out to eat afterwards as well. The space is open from 10 to 4, but we can do 
12 to 4 for Chicago if that would work. CoDLUG is dead really with talks, if 
we were to do talks for the LUG we would hold them prior to 12 so we could do 
our thing. Even if there was a conflict to arise, we could scurry off to a 
temporary room if need be. The school is loaded with them :)

Good ideas, great response, exactly what I was hoping for. I hope more of you 
add your comments to this as well, as we need everyones input.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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