[Ubuntu Chicago] Team Meetings & Scheduling

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Thu May 10 17:12:28 BST 2007

On Thursday 10 May 2007, you wrote:
| Back to the point of discussion.  My company moves to a new office in June
| right by the train station.  Come July (we need time to get settled), the
| owners have already given me the green light to give Ubuntu Chicago a home
| for meetings once a month.

Awesome. Any idea on the amount the place can hold? Projector(s) in place?

| We can all plug into the network there, we can even have some server space
| for projects and whatnot.

Have to think about that one.

| One concern is building security.  We will have to have people rsvp for
| meetings in advance to obtain visitor passes should everyone be cool with a
| downtown meeting site.

As long as they do not do anal cavity searches, I don't see any problems :) 
Kind of sounds like 1 N. Franklin actually, not the cavity searches but the 
passes and all that. So here is what a geek wouldn't want to be greeted by:
1) Anal Cavity Searches
2) Metal detectors
3) Dumb guards

I know 3 is inevitable, but it is those dumb guards who don't understand metal 
detectors at all and that your laptop should not go through it :) So as long 
as #1 is covered we are good ;p

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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