[Ubuntu Chicago] New Website Theme

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 17 08:15:34 GMT 2007

http://chi.ubuntu-us.org has been updated to the new Ubuntu theme. A lot of 
blood, sweat, and tears went into this tonight but I finally got it done.

Good news, our site looks great!

Bad news, those of you with accounts lost them during the upgrade. Why? 
Because I nixed them and corrupted the user db table during and upgrade. If 
I/we (Canonical) decide to bring back the pages for posting news to, then I 
will enable that portion again, but until told otherwise from the upper 
echelon this is the way it is for the time being. Freddy, I apologize in 
advanced, but I believe your blog is, ummm gone? I might be able to backup 
the data from it and try to get your blog back. Sorry :)

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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