[Ubuntu Chicago] What can new users do for Ubuntu?

ael adam.longwill at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 07:54:46 BST 2007


I was referred to the LoCo TeamList from the Ubuntu forums where I found
you as a contact person for your area's team. As an enthusiastic
supporter of the Open Source movement and new Ubuntu user, I have
encountered dozens of equally excited newbies on the forums who are--for
all their excitement about Ubuntu-- are all-to-aware of the OS's
imperfections. Many of these new users, like myself, do not know
anything about coding or development but are interested in making a good
thing better. As a team representative, what can newbies do to
contribute to Ubuntu and the Linux community? What does the community
need that could be provided by those who cannot provide the more
mathematical or technical acts that so many do already? I have contacted
others in the United States LoCoTeamListings and hope to hear some good
responses so that I personally may do something useful, and may be able
to get others to invest in an already good thing.

AKA Adam L.

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