[Ubuntu Chicago] next meeting?

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 22:17:23 BST 2007

On 7/19/07, Freddy Martinez <freddymartinez9 at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> I'm voting a strong -1 on the August 18th, because it is A. Saturday
> and B. I won't be able to make it.  I'm going to put this out there
> for the list, how does August 12th work for everybody?  I'm going to
> strongly suggest we have the meeting then so that I can make it.  If
> you all want me to go screw myself, just email me back say that day
> doesn't work.

My reasons for selecting that Saturday were that Richard said he could make
it, and I was thinking that we could have the people from FreeGeek Chicago
come and give a talk.  Free Geek is open on Friday and Sunday, so they
wouldn't be available on a Sunday.

August 12th is one day after the Chicago Linux User Group meeting, so if
we're going to go on a Sunday, I would prefer to have it on the 19th, unless
Freddy can't make that one, either.

jwcampbell at gmail.com
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