[Ubuntu Chicago] next meeting?

Roberto Serrano ohrock at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 23:27:08 BST 2007

We will be happy to provide a downtown home.  We will be honor as a matter
of fact.

There is a chance that we might have calendar conflicts,  so we would need
to know specific dates ASAP.

About the Pizza, it depends on the size, and dates - how many other pizza
events have we sponsored around the given event.  But we can work something
out, or look around for sponsorship.     Maybe RH or Novell would like to
pitch in?  :-P

I really like Samir's idea about doing some extra work to try and promote
involvement as much as possible among UIC students, etc. I ask Samir not to
mention specifics, but this might work really nice with other future ideas
we are brewing.

Please make your best to give us an estimate regarding dates, expected group
size, and we will work from there.

Roberto C. Serrano
UIC-LUG vice president.

On 7/18/07, Samir Faci <samir.list at gmail.com> wrote:
> It shouldn't be an issue, at least as long as I, or some of the officers
> that are responsible for that office get a heads up.  8-10 weeks is
> definitely doable (assuming the attendance isn't that large... anything
> around 50< would is fine).
> As far as the 8-10 week re-occurring meeting,  the Office we use to host
> these events is given to a student org, so under the current
> "administration", you're more then welcome to use the office to meet up.  As
> long as the university still likes us, and the people that end up running
> the acm/lug in the future share our mind frame, then yes.
> a slightly off topic idea:
> what do you guys think of doing a hack-a-ton after the meeting?  or have a
> hack-a-ton after every other meeting, I'm sure we can convince the univ/ACM
> to buy us pizza, bring in students+open source enthusiasts work on code,
> documentation whatever.  I know a few professors that are working on getting
> UIC more involved in Open Source, so this would fit in nicely.  The ACM had
> a sig-code session that could go hand-in-hand with this (geek gather and
> talk about code, semantics, proper coding practices etc).
> --
> Samir
> On 7/18/07, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 7/18/07, Samir Faci <samir.list at gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hey Guys,
> > >
> > >     If you haven't found a place to meet yet, you're more then welcome
> > > to use our office (UIC ACM/LUG).  Most of us have a tendency to almost live
> > > there.  We have wifi, power, usual convenience.
> > >
> > > Anyhoo, an fyi if you still need a place.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Samir
> >
> >
> > Samir, thanks so much.  Do you think that this is something that would
> > be available on a semi-regular basis (i.e ., once every 8-10 weeks or
> > so)?  We currently have a pretty reliable location out in the suburbs
> > (College of Dupage), but we're really looking to set up a regular meeting
> > spot in the city so we can alternate meetings between the city and suburbs.
> >
> > UIC would be a great meeting spot . . .   Thanks,
> >
> > Jim
> > --
> > jwcampbell at gmail.com
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