[Ubuntu Chicago] next meeting?

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 22:32:02 BST 2007

On 7/18/07, Samir Faci <samir.list at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
>     If you haven't found a place to meet yet, you're more then welcome to
> use our office (UIC ACM/LUG).  Most of us have a tendency to almost live
> there.  We have wifi, power, usual convenience.
> Anyhoo, an fyi if you still need a place.
> --
> Samir

Samir, thanks so much.  Do you think that this is something that would be
available on a semi-regular basis (i.e., once every 8-10 weeks or so)?  We
currently have a pretty reliable location out in the suburbs (College of
Dupage), but we're really looking to set up a regular meeting spot in the
city so we can alternate meetings between the city and suburbs.

UIC would be a great meeting spot . . .   Thanks,

jwcampbell at gmail.com
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