[Ubuntu Chicago] Can't wait

John Becker jleebecker at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 7 21:50:53 GMT 2007

I note from recent posts to the COD lug and Chi-Ubuntu
lug that there is concern over multiple groups in the
area "competing" with one another.

I attended one of the meetings in Warrenville that
attempted to start a DuPage lug. It was held at
a brewery/restaurant that was not at all conducive
to conversation much less planning and coordinating.

My visits to the COD lug on Sundays when there was
a computer show left me feeling that group was
uber-geek compared to my meager Linux knowledge.

The Chi-Ubuntu meeting in DesPlaines seemed a good
fit for average Linux users who have a broad range
of interests and skill levels.

Perhaps after Sat will know the depth of interest
in a Ubuntu lug. Perhaps we will know if more group
infrastructure is better than less. Perhaps we will
know with what frequency to schedule meetings.

Maybe we will find out if Ubuntu, Kbuntu, and Xbuntu
users have more in common than, say, Ubuntu, Debian,
and Knoppix users.

Do Ubuntu gamers have more in common with gamers
using other distros than with Ubuntu users in

Do PHP Ubuntu coders have more in common with PHP
coders on other distros or with Python coders on

I would hope at the end of the day *Saturday* we
will know if an Ubuntu lug is viable in the area.


Dave vs. Carl: The Insignificant Championship Series.  Who will win? 

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