[Ubuntu Chicago] Experiences with ATT

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 16:51:08 GMT 2007

You will be fine if you go with their standard DSL modem, and then connect
it to your wireless router.  Your wireless router will just contain your
login connection info, and will maintain the connection for you.  FWIW, my
sbc/att/whatever connection has been very reliable.

I can only offer up personal experience regarding the bandwidth.  I get
about 300kb/s on most of my downloads.  I'm not exactly sure which plan I
have, though.  It's been fine enough for me.  I'm no expert on what factors
affect DSL speed, either . . .

Good luck!


On 2/20/07, brian <bmcandrews at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm reluctantly giving up my broadband provider (www.dls.net), which by
> the way is the best, to go with ATT.  Got to save some nickels for my
> daughter's wedding this fall.  Anyway, ATT has just come into our
> neighborhood and through talking with their rep, I need a modem and if I
> wanted to go wireless ,I'd have to pay another 100 bucks.  Seeing that I
> already have a wireless router, can I just take the output from the modem
> and hook it into my router?  With my current setup, I just take the output
> from the wireless antenna on my roof and go straight to the router and all
> is well.
> Also, I'm currently signed up for the "Pro" setup (3 MB).  I've become
> accustomed to 5+MB.  Will this difference be a nuisance enough to upgrade to
> their 6MB package?
> Any other comments regarding ATT would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Brian
> --
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jwcampbell at gmail.com
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