[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu Chicago Packaging Jam - A Bust

Wally Valters deepsky99 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 12:54:10 GMT 2007

No worries on yesterday, its just with the holidays and years end I am
extremely busy, and the day was slipping away.

I have only been to two events / meetings, but there is a common thread.
(I'm not bashing here)
The meetings lack structure and the team lacks cohesiveness.  I can see your
frustrations Rich, it is as if no one really cares.  I think it is more of a
lack of team spirit.  Small steps taken by a large group can have a very
positive effect.  I am really hoping the project in Mt. Prospect will help
formulate some team spirit, as well as get that place up and running
smoothly.  I hear people wanting to "hack", yet no one shows up when you
want to show them how.  Let us hope the same thing does not happen with the
college project.

I think the most important thing for this team is starting to regularly
schedule meetings.  These could coincide with a public "showing" of Ubuntu.
Pick a spot that will let us, and we have a meeting there, offering up cd's
and intro's to linux to anyone who wants one.   It cannot hurt to try that
(at least when its a bit warmer it wont hurt).  Work keeps me extremely
busy, but I can almost always spare a few hours on a weekend.

In my opinion advocating Ubuntu to current linux users is a waste of time,
showing it to those who don't realize there is another option from the
established OS's is not.

I am going to take you up on the offer for packaging assistance.  We can set
something up after the holidays.  I will transcribe all my learnings as
well, maybe we can turn this into a packaging training document.  The stuff
on the Wiki is ok, but lacks depth, maybe we can change that.

On Dec 16, 2007 10:51 PM, Richard A. Johnson <nixternal at kubuntu.org> wrote:

> On Sunday 16 December 2007, Jim Campbell wrote:
> [...]
> | Sorry this wasn't the hottest meeting.  I think there's a couple of
> things
> | we can learn from today's session, though.
> |
> | - Packaging is tough.  We tried to cover a lot of ground.  Maybe we
> | would've done better and felt better with a smaller focus.  Maybe just
> | looking at merges or going over set parts of the MOTU documentation -
> | letting that lead us.  It's just something to consider for next time.
> Told ya it wasn't going to be an easy topic, so that is why I decided that
> doing a merge would be the easiest to start out with, and typically that
> is
> what an aspiring MOTU would start out with.
> | - People's time is valuable.  I think Wally left before we even started
> | talking about packaging.  We kind of sat around from 10:00-12:00, and I
> | think the projector was working most all of that time.  We can do
> better, I
> | think.  Maybe we dawdled because we weren't sure how to approach the
> | massive subject of packaging.  Still, we coulda done better.
> The projector was working fine, but the stupid resolution issue was being
> a
> pain.
> | - Let's be more social about our meetings or something.  We didn't
> | introduce each other and find out what people wanted from the session.
> Reason we didn't introduce each other is because we already know each
> other.
> It would be tough to see what the crowd would want from such a topic as
> you
> really have to teach in a specific order as there is just so much behind
> it.
> | I'm not sure if there's anything more for me to say.  Thanks for taking
> the
> | time to go through that stuff today, Richard.  It's complicated stuff.
>  I
> | just read your note and wanted to respond in some way.  I hope that my
> | comments are received constructively . . .  I don't mean them in a
> negative
> | manner.
> Not negative at all, I am glad you showed up and stuck around, and even
> provided a little humor at one point, which was pretty damn funny. You
> know
> the bit about CDBS and Debhelper :)  I was kind of annoyed from the get go
> on
> a couple of different levels.
> 1) Nobody showed up
> 2) Eddie slept in and this was his baby
> 3) The assholes in the back don't shut up for shit. Thankfully Casey has
> also
> requested we have the podium with microphone from now on. That will get
> someones attention.
> 4) I seriously don't think Ubuntu Chicago members are all that interested
> in
> development except for a select few.
> Thanks once again to Wally, Jim, and Aaron for taking time out and showing
> up.
> I apologize Wally for starting off rather late and if you are seriously
> interested in packaging or learning the development side, we could
> possibly
> meet up some evening or weekend, or break out during a LUG event. The same
> goes with anyone else interested.
> And Jim, your comments were not negative at all, they were dead on. Thanks
> for
> being such a champ.
> --
> Richard A. Johnson
> nixternal at kubuntu.org
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
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