[Ubuntu Chicago] ubuntu wireless

Wally Valters deepsky99 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 17:52:00 BST 2007

not sure if last message got through, I got a size warning...  posting

less is like more (haha)

more exists in linux as well as windows, and you can get less for windows.
they are "pager" programs. they take the output of something (like lshw)
ands allow you to scroll thorough it.

more allows forward scrolling only , less allows both.  you should type man
less in a terminal window (man uses less by default actually) to see how to
use it well.  It will come in handy all the time

btw typing 'q' exits less

Yes MAC address should be the same, but the filtering is a security placebo
as well.  You can fake a MAC address rather easily

On 8/14/07, jason jenkins <jenkins27 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ya, I am broadcasting my ESSID.  Also, ubuntu will use the same MAC
> address for my card as windows correct?  So if I do MAC address filtering I
> use the same one for both windows and ubuntu?
> What exactly is less?  and once I type it the first time I stay in that
> mode?
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