[Ubuntu Chicago] mac switch

Eric O'Neal fyedernoggersnodden at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 15:19:31 BST 2007

On 8/5/07, Max Luebbe <max.luebbe at gmail.com> wrote:
> richard wrote:
> > I believe you has to use Parallels or boot camp because of the way
> > the Mac file system is.
> > On Aug 5, 2007, at 10:37 AM, Matthew Basset wrote:
> >
> >
> >> I have bought a macbook and attempted to install ubuntu. It was
> >> successfull, but i really didn't wish to use that as my main
> >> operating system. I had wished to use mac osx. So when i restarted
> >> the computer of course it loaded ubuntu. I have been looking on
> >> help sites, and it told me to hold the alt option key to select a
> >> system, I did that and the only operating system that came up was
> >> windows(ubuntu). I need to know quickly how to switch to mac osx.
> >> as i need to use the computer for school.
> >> thanks in advance,
> >> matt
> >> --
> >> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> >> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> >> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> Has anyone raised the possibility that in installing Ubuntu he nuked his
> HFS+ partition that OS X was on?
> If so, w/o reinstalling OS X, there is no way back.
> -Max

That's what I expect.  He's already using Boot Camp (Thus the "Windows"
option), but Boot Camp is very unfeatured and basically unconfigurable (i.e.
untroubleshootable).  Your HFS+ partition may or may not be fried.  I have
my OSX dual-booted with Ubuntu via Boot Camp, and I can mount that HFS+
read-only from the Ubuntu side.  You should try that.  I don't remember if
you need to install some package/kernel module first or not.

If that doesn't work... if your school stuff is in text you could use a hex
editor to recover it?  Retrieving stuff off a shot FS is shaky ground.

Who knows what caused it... maybe try again next time and be extra careful
when running the partitioner from the Ubuntu LiveCD?


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