[Ubuntu Chicago] Forums and BoF Breakout Meeting

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 17 05:54:51 BST 2007


We have forum space at Ubuntu Forums now to use. So please spread the word, as 
it seems that newer users enjoy forums more than they do IRC or mailing 
lists. Also get over there, fill out the shoutout with your information.

On another note, this Sunday, April 22, 2007 from 10am to 4pm is the College 
of DuPage Linux Users' Group Linux Fest which we hold monthly. I am going to 
be there (I have to be, I am the VP of the club), so if any of you Ubuntu 
folks want to stop by, we can do a break out Ubuntu meeting. Afterwards we 
can go and enjoy a meal somewhere in Glen Ellyn.

College of DuPage is located at 425 Fawell Blvd. in Glen Ellyn, 60137. The 
room number of the event is SRC 1544. It is a large room with projector, 
podium, and computers. So bring a laptop, get in on some hacking action, or 
please come and give a small talk if you would like.

BoF == Birds of a Feather (flock together) - a meeting term used for breakout 

If you guys plan a meeting after this week I will be swamped. This week marks 
my 5th release with Ubuntu so I will be super busy with some stuff. Also next 
week kicks off the 2nd Ubuntu Live sessions on IRC in which I will be hosting 
a couple of them. 1 will be Ubuntu LoCo team creation and the other(s) will 
be Kubuntu/KDE development and Kubuntu/Ubuntu Documentation. Then after that 
is May, and I start a super intense 8 week programmers nightmare at the 

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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