[Ubuntu Chicago] Meeting Request

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 14 04:11:25 BST 2007


Here we go, I would like others to be able to attend, so does anyone have 
space, open weekend within a week or after April 22nd? The space has to be 
free, we need a projector and screen. Need it for no less than 4, no more 
than 8.

NOTE: Chicago Public Library is a no go, they will not allow our group to meet 
there. I have been in contact with them hoping to set something up on a 
regular basis. I even got a Chicago library card and offered to rent the 
space. They don't rent spaces, and since we are not a government 
organization, a public not-for-profit, and such, we are not allowed. Chicago 
Library sucks and I say boycott the damn place.

We need a space that can hold a minimum of 25 people, because who knows how 
many will show up for the next event. The nice thing about CoD, is I have 
that room booked from now until forever, every month for 2007. I would like a 
time and date that is free for a majority of the people.

After April I am literally dead with my summer courses, helping KDE and Google 
Summer of Code, Kubuntu devel, and Kubuntu and KDE documentation, as well as 
leading the CoDLUG.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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