Ubuntu-Chicago jobs

Andrew Bassett andrew at abassett.org
Mon Sep 11 01:40:30 BST 2006

On Sun, 2006-09-10 at 12:08 -0500, Mike Greenwood wrote:
> Hey Chicago Team,
> Anyone hiring?  I'm quiting my new job, they shafted me with a major
> schedule and department change two weeks into the job.
> They're driving me Crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
> thanks all
> mike


	I'd like to offer you some advice - it's up to you to take it. This is
not to call you out in front of everyone, but if you are looking for a
new job it's best not to say what you just said about your employer. If
I were looking for someone, based on what you said, I would immediately
be turned off due to the negativity. 

Good luck with the job hunt.

ps - Try checking computerjobs.com and/or craigslist. I know someone who
has found work on computerjobs.com before.


Andrew Bassett
andrew at abassett.org

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