Ubuntu-Chicago Speak Up

Adam Israel stone at stonetable.org
Sun Sep 3 14:15:04 BST 2006

I've been swamped with work (back to California on Monday, home Thursday

The only thing I've managed to do lately is continued testing of Edgy and
some bug filing.  All of my desktops and laptops are edgy these days.


On 8/31/06, Rich Johnson <nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Chicago Team!
> How is everyone doing?  It has been rather quiet around here lately.
> Here is what I have been up to:
> * Edgy Development, Packaging, Documentation
> * School (yes my old arse got back into school to learn C++, C#, Python,
> and
> others, with an emphasis in Unix)
> * Ichthux Linux development (http://www.ichthux.com)
> * Work and looking for more work
> Mike, you got a job yet? Brian you still alive? Jason where the heck you
> been?
> Adam, where you hiding these days? I know RJ (Red_Herring) and Freddy
> (admiral_chicago) have been busy with back to school stuff, and
> Red_Herring
> has brought in a couple more new people to the IRC channel who are
> interested
> in Ubuntu.
> Anyone messing with Edgy all the way yet? Whats up?
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