[Ubuntu Chicago] Fwd: Location

Freddy Martinez freddymartinez9 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 20:16:49 GMT 2006

I really like those ideas. I would like to have an workable agenda set,
however I would also like a location :P. For now, we still have some things
to discuss from the IRC chat, for example a business plan / what we want to
do in the next 4 months etc. I'll get a more solid agenda set, but please
focus your efforts on finding a location.

Your location begger,

On 12/8/06, Mike DePolis <mike at depolis.com> wrote:
>  Great idea.  How about a set agenda followed by two or three breakout
> group topics?  Anything that comes up that's off-agenda could be politely
> asked to follow the breakout sessions?
> Andrew Bassett wrote:
> On 12/8/06, Jason Czajkowski <jason.czajkowski at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I think that this meeting will be more productive then the last two as
> > we now have a better idea where each other is coming from and what needs to
> > be done. So we can setup some goals and ways to achieve those goals. I've
> > also got a few more people intrested in attending. So lets get the LOC
> > details worked out.
> >
> > --
> I think a way to try and keep things more productive is an agreed upon
> agenda before hand. Don't get me wrong - I love arguing and talking about
> other random things, etc. etc... but last time we got sidetracked sometimes.
> Maybe we should build time into the agenda for breaks to have these
> discussions.
> -Andrew
> --
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-Freddy Martinez-
Kubuntu. [GNU/]Linux for human beings.
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