[Ubuntu Chicago] MEETING!

RJ Marsan rjmarsan at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 20:32:17 GMT 2006

I'm not sure a bunch of noisy guys will fit in well at the library (if not
Admiral_chicago, me)
Course maybe its soundproof, but it *is* big and plenty of internet =D

So basically our choices are Motel VS Library?

On 12/4/06, John Becker <jleebecker at hotmail.com> wrote:
> The EPL has a 30 person room and a 50 person room w/projectors.
> It ls located downtown w/many available restaurants including Buffalo
> Wings where the 1st meeting was held. It has its own coffee shop.
> FWIW, the motel in Des Plaines would accomodate 30-40 attendees
> if the room was set up classroom style w/folding chairs.
> Lee
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