Ubuntu-Chicago Thank You

Claire Newman claire.newman at canonical.com
Mon Aug 14 10:30:46 BST 2006

Rich Johnson wrote:
> On Thursday 10 August 2006 08:25, Claire Newman wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> Thank you for sending through the signed poster, Mark was thrilled and
>> we have put it up on our office wall :-)
>> Keep up the good work.
>> Kind regards
>> Claire
> Claire,
> Excellent. Thanks to Mike Greenwood for getting that sent, and Jason 
> Czajkowski for creating it. We appreciate every you guys do for us, and we 
> definitely appreciate everything Mark has done for this community, for 
> Ubuntu, and for FLOSS.
> Ubuntu Chicago is doing its best to advocate Ubuntu to our very large 
> community. Our team keeps getting larger by the minutes, and the quality of 
> our memberhip far exceeds any standards that could ever be created.
> Claire, one simple request if possible, and yes it is probably what you are 
> already thinking. Can we get a group of your awesome people to snap a picture 
> in front of it for us?  It would be wonderful if Mark could be in it, but 
> given his super busy schedule it is understandable in he couldn't be in it. 
> Thanks again Claire, and thanks again to Mike Greenwood and Jason Czajkowski 
> for their amazing work! Take care!
Hi guys

Please find attached a photo of Mark and your poster!

It's not a great shot I'm afraid, I am no David Bailey!

All the best
Claire :-)
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